I am Lauren from Brewing Crafts.
I am Lauren from Brewing Crafts.
As a mom of four kiddos, I spend a large portion of my day creating and spending time with my littles. I have the benefit of working off shift which gives me a lot of time in the day to create and spend time with my littles.
Back at the beginning of 2018, I decided that my New Year’s resolution was to focus a little more on self care. I was calling around to schedule appointments for myself – the normal: primary care appointment, dentist, etc. and one of the schedulers said to me “you know they say, you have to take care of yourself to be able to care for others.” At the time I was a wife, a mom of a toddler, and a working woman but I felt that I wasn’t quite sure who Lauren was anymore. Well since then, I have attempted to focus a little more time on being me and spending some time doing what makes me happy. Now, I am a wife, working woman, and mother to four wonderful children who make my world go round and at times upside down.
Prior to kids, I used to spend my spare time crafting. I enjoyed creating my own cards and scrapbooking. I rarely went to an event without a homemade card, it just felt a little more personal. Everyone loved getting a card with some thought behind it and even though it likely got thrown out, it was always appreciated. My favorite cards to make were for the holidays, there was something so calming about creating something I loved and could share with loved ones. Followed then by the process of assembling, the repetitive motions are so relaxing to me.
Now as a mom of four kiddos and not just one toddler, in order to push myself to create on a more regular basis, I decided to start a blog. This would give me the outlet of sharing my ideas with others while also in some ways accountability to keep me creating! Most of the focus in my creative projects are now kid centered and things that help to keep everyone at home happy and entertained! But there is always a side for me, so you may also see some house projects and card making, things that make me happy too.
I hope you can find some things that you might enjoy and find helpful for you while I hopefully spark my creative side again!